My 3 Keys to Maintaining Perspective

– My Daily Contributions

– Constant Reflection

– Influencing Others

My Daily Contributions

My Work

Some people think I work too much and don’t let my hair down enough. I know its rare but I actually like to work! Granted, I haven’t been thrilled with every assignment but that’s life. I truly try to excel in everything I do. Some compete with others but I’m on a quest to be my best self! I give my best to every task, project, etc. Mediocrity is never an option.

Several years ago, someone very special to me was delivering a speech and said, they are “free from people bondage.” In other words, if people think I work too much, that’s their problem not mine. If people don’t like my hair, that’s their problem not mine. If people don’t like where I live, that’s their problem not mine. If people think I should be skinnier, fatter or eat a certain thing, thats their problem, not mine!

Constant Reflection

Staying Centered

Everyday I’m trying to create a life I’m proud off. My future is far greater than my past and so is yours!

Influencing Others

Acts of Kindness

Syd’s family didn’t want him because “he required too much attention.” I met him when he was 4 or 5 months old and he’s been my shadow and bodyguard for the past 7 years : ). Sasha is my other fury bestie.

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My Why

My Why

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To provide some insight into how the foster care and adoption experience can impact and shape one’s life and perhaps demystify a few things. and 2.



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You know my name

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Why aren’t you calling me dad?

Why aren’t you calling me dad?

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Let’s Chat

If you would like to send me a message, please use this form and I’ll get back to you shortly.