Grateful for the ability to inhale deeply and breathe in the desires of my heart.
Grateful to exhale and let go of tension.
Grateful to run even if it’s the walk/run method. I remember having to use a walker while recovering from an injury.
Grateful for a small group of genuine friends that encourage me to do more, to keep climbing, that no matter how far fetched goals may seem, I can get there.
Grateful for old gospel music- John P. Kee- Standing in the Need of Prayer, Mississippi Mass Choir- Near the Cross, This Morning when I rose, Shirley Caesar. Its timeless and soothes my soul.
Grateful when I first heard the words, “I’m proud of you.”
Grateful for the gift of mistakes and resiliency…. they pave the road ahead.
Grateful to help others. Grateful for grace & mercy.
Grateful to know that 1000 mistakes can’t disqualify me from living on purpose. Although it might take a little longer to get there.
Grateful for my little doggies. They are so excited when I arrive home and even more thrilled to go on car rides and curl up for an afternoon nap.
Grateful to finally understand that when people show you who they are, believe them. Fundamentally many will never changer and that’s ok.
Grateful to take action while being afraid.

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